Switzerland offers many advantages as a country. Located at the center of Europe, you will be able to travel the continent in all directions. The social system is well established. Once you have completed your education and are able to provide a steady income you are allowed by law to invite your partner and children to live in Switzerland. We can assist you with this.
what makes us different
the values we live by
Personal Growth
Caria.care prepares you to work as a nurse in Switzerland. With your diploma (BSN) and the necessary preparation you can start working as a nurse in Switzerland in a field that you want to pursue: in a hospital, an elderly home or a rehabilitation clinic.
Professional Skills
Nursing in Switzerland is held to a high professional standard. You will be surrounded by dedicated colleagues and use state-of-the-art equipment. During the time you need to complete your training you will earn a regular salary.
Nurses at Caria.care will have the same salary as their Swiss colleagues. The salary system is fair and transparent.